Cancel Culture:
How I became a Cancel Culture Gangster. The impact that being Cancelled has on both the business and the family who owns the business. How Pursuing Legislation became the only acceptable ending to our ordeal.
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Seeing & Trusting God’s Plan:
Faith & trust in God’s plan for us should be easy, but too often we struggle with it. There are a few tactics that can help maintain our faith in difficult times. For me, as a speaker this subject is what I am most passionate about because it offers immediate results that last beyond this lifetime, it needs little to no implementation and will offer a long term solution to spiritual confidence.
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Motivation & Focus:
Over my lifetime I have read countless books from Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale and Tony Robbins and each have helped, but implementing their strategies has always been a problem for me. I took what I found useful from several of their books and added my own personal twist on what I believe should be the foundation of what motivates us to achieve our most ambitious goals. In addition I added something that would help overcome the challenges that so often derail us from progress. The best part is I have backed this lecture up with a quick 7 page reference read that is easily implemented into anyone’s daily routine!
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